Clear & Concise Reviews


Clear Concise Reviews


My name is Adam Johnson and I own the NFA Review Channel on YouTube, Full30, Facebook and Instagram. I could not be more humbled to be working in this industry and my journey here would not be possible without all of you! You all rock!

I work as a full time Firefighter/Driver Engineer and on my off days I hit the ground running recording reviews for all of you! It's very hard to get your hands on all the new NFA products out there and my goal is to make that easier on you! I want the review so immersive and detailed, you feel as if your standing next to me, manipulating the product in your hands, and studying the machining, cool features, and performance that it offers. 

I've spent years learning the industry, upgrading camera gear, upgrading my computers for editing, learning how to properly record and capture clean audio/tone, and creating partnerships and memories with some of the brightest minds the industry has to offer. I then began to plan, host, and execute two large public shooting events each year as a way to help all of you get your hands on the products I experience in my daily work. 

The outcome of this life passion has been rewarding and a struggle all at the same time. With the increased scrutiny by the anti-gun media it has been hard to stay afloat in a sea of expenses when my compensation system is constantly on edge of disappearing from a flawed monetization system based solely on the knee-jerk reactions of the MSM and companies like YouTube who bend under pressure. Wouldn't it be nice if YouTube actually supported the people creating content for their audience? There's an idea! 

It's the hardcore fans, Patreon supporters, and event goers that will keep my journey going and I cannot express enough how appreciative I am! I hope you throughly enjoy the experience and the content. Lets get to it!

Adam Johnson
NFA Review


Get in touch

We at NFA Review are always looking to share the next big product with our subscriber base! If you have a project, no matter how big or how small, drop us a line and let us know how we can help spread the word!

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