Clear & Concise Reviews


Content Creation with a hands on touch

Areas Of Expertise



We work with our clients to provide everything they need, from social media content, to full blown content for banners, posters, and magazine spreads. Everything is original content and everything is for our viewers. 


One of the benefits of working with many different products and platforms is we get to test and evaluate things before they are available for public release. We do our best to put these products to the test so you don't have to! Any issues found are discussed at the end of each video review. And any questions left by viewers are always answered! 


Our goal is to provide the most clean, clear, and concise viewing experience possible on products that are otherwise hard to handle and study. Everyone lives busy lives, so our goal is to make you feel immersed in the details, as if you're standing in your local gun shop handling the product yourself, all from the comfort of your home.


Whether you're a fellow content creator or a company that needs help with products, social media or a simple introduction, we can help! Drop a line and we'll do our best! In this industry, you stick together, you win together!

Public demo events

Since we work closely with the biggest names in the industry it was only a matter of time before we were able to tailor a shooting experience like non other, and bring it to our loyal subscriber base. From "suppressed only" events, to full blown events with exploding cars, door gunning from helicopters, and crazy raffle prizes, we can make it happen! The goal being to let the public study, handle, and shoot everything our clients have to offer. Sometimes this means our fans test out new products before they are even publicly announced!

Fire Service

Woah! Thats a subject change! With 19 years in the service it has allowed me the flexible schedule and work ethic that made excelling in the firearms industry a natural ability. That and if you need help putting out fires, I guess we can help...I'll bring the marshmallows. HA!